Group of paper plane in one direction and with one individual pointing in the different way, can be used leadership/individuality concepts. New idea, change, trend, courage, creative solution, innovation and unique way concept. Consider upgrading your hearing aids.

While it may be true that older hearing aids are better than nothing, chances are what small advantage you get from them may be costly. Within the last few years, hearing aid technology has made considerable developments. A decade ago many of the features of modern hearing aids weren’t even in development, going digital for instance.

When you decide it’s time to update, choosing the correct one will take some planning. A hearing exam to ascertain how your hearing has changed will be required first. Once you know how much hearing loss you’re dealing with, you can start to get a clearer look at your choices. Here are some reasons why it’s most likely time for an upgrade.

Reliability of hearing aids

Every once in a while you’ll get an irritating buzz or other issues with older or low-quality hearing aids. And, what about feedback whenever you get close to a phone? Occasionally, there’s a shrill feedback noise that seems to happen out of nowhere, too. Your feedback will be significantly reduced with newer models which have features that compensate for common problems.

Volume isn’t enough

A decade ago hearing aids mainly focused on fixing the volume. Today, hearing aids are loaded with much better technology.

  • Bluetooth capability: Tvs, cellphones, and other enabled devices can now be synced to your hearing aid. This can be useful for streaming music or making phone calls.
  • Improved sound quality: Older hearing aid models had far lower quality of sound than modern-day models. This is because of advances in digital signal processing, which allows hearing aids to more accurately reproduce sound. In addition, many hearing aids now offer features including numerous programs that can be tailored to different listening environments.
  • Voice focus: Some hearing aids also offer voice focus, which helps the user to focus on the voices they choose to hear. This is accomplished by utilizing directional microphones to detect the sound of the desired voice and then amplify it. Voice focus can be helpful in loud environments or when the wearer is attempting to hear somebody who is talking softly.
  • Background noise reduction: Feedback cancellation, noise filters, and directional microphones are a few of the many methods utilized by modern hearing aids. Noise filters decrease undesired noise while directional microphones are made to focus on sound right in front of you. Feedback cancellation helps to counter the whistling sound that can take place when hearing aids are not fitted properly.

Frequent battery replacement

When we’re talking about a hearing aid upgrade, cost is always a factor. The new technology is not inexpensive, but neither is wearing old, outdated hearing aids. The batteries in analog devices go dead and need to be replaced frequently. If you’re replacing the battery on a daily basis, or even more often than that, the cost adds up.

Old hearing aids can oftentimes spend more time getting repaired, too. Consider what a 1990 Chevy would be like and apply that idea to hearing aids. It’s in for repair more than it’s in your ear and the repairs are not inexpensive.

You’re not able to hear at work

Studies show that hearing loss can mean a lower income. Doesn’t it seem sensible then, that better hearing aids would be a career asset? You’ll have an easier time hearing what clients, coworkers, and your boss are saying to you. You won’t have to worry about whether you’ll miss significant information or guidelines.

Of course, better communication means an enhanced quality of life, too. You’ll be capable of communicating with people again. Get right back into being socially engaged.

You want a smaller hearing aid

When you look in the mirror at your outdated hearing aid, what words come to mind? Awkward? Noticeable? OMG? Some of the most considerable advantages that come with replacing old hearing aids are flexibility and style. Quite a few styles, shapes, and sizes are available in contemporary hearing aids. You could either get one in your favorite color and make a fashion statement or get one discrete enough that it will go unobserved by others.

It’s time to think about upgrading your hearing aids if you’re unhappy with the results you’re getting from your old pair. Technology has come a long way in the past few years, and there are now hearing aids available that can do things that were impossible in the past. Contact us today to talk about your options.

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